Free Shipping On Orders Over $35

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I exchange an item?

Take pictures of the item you wish to exchange and email them to us here at or send a text to (443) 620-3953.

2. How often can I exchange my items?

Depending on which VIP tier, you can exchange up to four items per month per account.

3. What can I exchange?

Anything. Yes anything. Not shattered, torn to shreds, completely spoiled and dirty rotten anything. More like I loved you once pair of shoes, grandma's old lamp, and even gift cards that you no longer intend to use but still carry a balance. We assess your items and let you know what we're willing to credit you. 

4. Can I make a purchase without exchanging anything?

Absolutely can! Please take advantage of our low price opportunities. No exchange process necessary. 

5. When does my credit expire?

Within 30 calendar days after you've agreed to receive the credit. 

6. How will I know if my exchange was approved?

You may opt to receive a response via email, text, or both. 

7. Can I change my mind about an exchange?

Once you have agreed to the exchange, unfortunately not. 

8. Is an Exchange the same as a Return?

No it is not. The exchange is a program. A return is a product that you received from us that may not have met your expectations. Therefore, you may wish to return the item to Mom's Exchange Store for a refund.